Resources to help YOU
Grow In Faith
Resources to help YOU
Grow In Faith
Why is this important?
For most people, the Bible is not the first resource we turn to when facing issues or challenges in our lives. Lots of people view it as an ancient book documenting the history of a religious people thousands of years ago. As followers of Jesus Christ, we know that the Bible is much more than a history book; it's the story of God's relationship with all humankind.
As we seek to grow in faith, share Christ, and serve others, reading the Bible is invaluable. The Bible is a guidebook for navigating our lives as well. We desire to put God first in our lives, find our place in God's story, and claim the truth about who we are as God's people.
Bible Reading Plan
Reading Plan
Unstoppable Story
History tells the beautiful story of God’s unwavering pursuit of a loving relationship with humanity. The Bible tells this story and invites us to find the purpose for our lives within the tale of God’s love.
Starting September 1, our 5-week Bible reading plan will show us how, as we experience God's love, we become part of this unstoppable story by sharing our affection, service, testimony, and resources in reflection of God’s extravagant generosity toward us.
August Reading Plan
Uncorrupting Christianity: Paul's Letter to Galatians
Around 48 AD, Paul wrote to the Galatians, expressing concern that certain teachings could corrupt Christianity. Today, cultural attitudes and practices still take the place of a saving relationship with Jesus Christ at the core of true religion, and we must recognize and address this in order to follow Christ faithfully.
Join us on August 4-31 as we walk through the book of Galatians in our next Bible Reading plan. Discover, or perhaps rediscover, through Paul’s words that we are made righteous by faith alone, and be encouraged to stand firm in the freedom we have in Christ.
Sign up for Daily Devotionals & Podcast
Sign Up for the Concord United Daily Devotional
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Bible Reading Plan
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Read Through the Bible Resources
Study Groups
Are there ways to ask questions or learn more about the weekly readings?
Yes, there are multiple ways throughout the week to ask questions, spend time with others on the journey, and gain new insights about the readings. The following are offered weekly beginning June 5:
Bible Reading Discussion Groups
Sunday - 10:00-10:50AM
Reading Through the Bible Group - Room 155 (CADES Hallway)
Mondays - 11:30-12:30 PM
Knowing God More - Zoom - Meeting ID 848 7973 4910, Passcode - John3:16
Joyfully Women's Group - 2nd & 4th Thursdays - Room 246 (East Building Upstairs)
Friday - 10:30-Noon
Mom's Group - Room 196 (Above Preschool)
Bible Apps
Digital Bible Apps
There are two popular and easy to use Bible apps for any of your digital devices (computer, tablet, smart phone, etc.). Both of these apps have an audible option to listen to the scripture. Click one of the selections below or use an app you already own.
Study Resources
As we study the Bible to find our place in God's story, it helps to understand the context of the scripture. Time, place, culture, and language all shaped the message for the original reading audience and it helps us inform us today. Here are some tools to help us dig deeper into the Bible.
Study Bibles
Wesley Study Bible
Harper Collins Study Bible
Zondervan NIV Study Bible
Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible (Zondervan)
Read through the Bible in a Year
The "Daily Devotion with Concord United" podcast follows our Bible Reading plan for the next 9 months. Tune in to dig deeper into the scripture or use it for you daily devotional time.
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Concord United is a life-giving church in Farragut that is committed to a culture of love and generosity in the name of Jesus Christ. We are a community of believers who desire to know God more closely.
Latest Sermon
Join us this Sunday at 9am and 11am as we continues on in our current sermon series! You won't want to miss this one. You can catch up on all of our past sermons by visiting our YouTube channel. Loving the message? Plan Your Visit today to come this Sunday!