Resources to help YOU 

Grow In Faith

Why is this important?

For most people, the Bible is not the first resource we turn to when facing issues or challenges in our lives. Lots of people view it as an ancient book documenting the history of a religious people thousands of years ago. As followers of Jesus Christ, we know that the Bible is much more than a history book; it's the story of God's relationship with all humankind.


As we seek to grow in faith, share Christ, and serve others, reading the Bible is invaluable. The Bible is a guidebook for navigating our lives as well.  We desire to put God first in our lives, find our place in God's story, and claim the truth about who we are as God's people.

Bible Reading Plan


Reading Plan

Is That True?: The Difference Between a Meme and God's Message

We have them as our screensavers, post them on our social media accounts, and even have them on the walls or refrigerator around the house.  Often times we think they are in the Bible or at least referenced in scripture.  In our series, “Is That True?”, we identify common sayings, find the scriptural basis and intent, and find the truth to apply to our daily lives.  

January Reading Plan

Joshua & the Promise Land

Finding our plan and purpose in life can be challenging. From Joshua’s life we learn that if we want anything substantial to change for the better in our lives we must trust in God’s promises, create a plan for following God’s lead, and clearly understand our life’s purpose, or we may not be ready or willing to receive God’s blessings when God bestows them on us.


Join us from January 5 to February 1 as we explore Joshua’s life and God’s promises, plans, and purpose for each of us.

Advent Reading Plan

On the Way to Bethlehem

The weeks before Christmas can feel chaotic, but Advent invites reflection and anticipation for the birth of Jesus Christ. This season, we journey through key locations in His story, gaining insights along the way. Pack your bags; let the adventure begin!


Join us from December 1 to January 4 as we explore the historical significance of Rome, Jerusalem, Nazareth, and Bethlehem and the characters who bring the Christmas story to life.

Sign up for Daily Devotionals & Podcast

Sign Up for the Concord United Daily Devotional

Sign up to receive the Grow through the Bible Daily Devotional and Podcast!

Bible Reading Plan

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Read Through the Bible Resources

Yearly Read through the Bible
Yearly Read through the Bible

Read through the Bible in a Year


The "Daily Devotion with Concord United"  podcast follows our Bible Reading plan for the next 9 months. Tune in to dig deeper into the scripture or use it for you daily devotional time.

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Concord United is a life-giving church in Farragut that is committed to a culture of love and generosity in the name of Jesus Christ. We are a community of believers who desire to know God more closely.

Latest Sermon

Join us this Sunday at 9am and 11am as we continues on in our current sermon series! You won't want to miss this one. You can catch up on all of our past sermons by visiting our YouTube channel. Loving the message? Plan Your Visit today to come this Sunday!